Pickleball Faith

Inspiration On and Off the Court

Ever experienced any of these?

  • Bullies
  • Being misjudged
  • Misjudging others
  • Miracles
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Reconciliation

Whether or not you play pickleball, you are sure to resonate with many vignettes that Stacy Lynn shares through her journey of faith and personal relationships on and off the pickleball courts.


You will be blessed with the invitation to peer into the sweet heart of Stacy Lynn while joining her on her journey of faith in God and in humanity simply through this crazy sport called pickleball.
Stephanie Lane
3-time USA Pickleball National Champion
Pickleball Faith was an inspiring book that takes you on a journey through the author's experiences with the sport. You may see yourself within the pages of this book and you may also see God at work in your life too. Highly recommended.
Stacy Lynn's realness and vulnerability make this book so relatable and valuable in renewing faith in people. It is encouraging to hear such stories of personal development through real life experiences with people being people.
Amazon Reviewer
I have been overwhelmed with many deep emotions after reading Stacy Harp’s book, “Pickleball Faith!” Having played Pickleball for four years, winning the Gold medal in a tournament, and seeing much of what Stacy talks about, I know that Pickleball has helped me grow as a person along with The Bible!
James R. Richards